

SawoRogaining 18.04.2010 in Varkaus, Finland



Organizer:  Savon Suunta





Team consist of 2-5 members,  with visual perception throughout the competition.



Competition classes

6 h, 4 h, 2 h and 2 h by bicycle

6 h competition classes:

6MO , Men open

6WO ,Women open

6XO , Mixed open

6YO , age 15-18  unisex

6VO , age 40 and over unisex

6SVO ,age 55 and over unisex


4 h hobby classes:

4FO , Family class, 1 team member age 18 or over and 1 member age under 12.

4HO , hobby class, all ages unisex


2 h hobby classes:

2YO , youth class age under 15.

2HO , hobby class, all ages unisex

2BO , bicycle class, all ages unisex


Time schedule


Sunday 18.4.2010


8.30 Registration opens

9.00 giving out of maps for 6h and 4h.

11.00 Start for 6h and 4h

11.30  maps available for 2h on foot or by bike .

12.30 Start 2h on foot or by bike

14.30 2h competition on foot and by bike ends

15.00 4h competition ends

15.00 Meal available

17.00 6h competition ends

18.00 Meal closes.




Not later than 5.4.2010 24.00 o’clock. You will get bill in you e-mail after the entry.



Competition fee


Until 28.2.2010 30 € per person and 1.3.2010 and after 40 € per person. In 4FO and 2YO the fee is 40 € per team. That includes map for everybody in the team, dressing and washing indoor, competition organisation and meal after the competition and small souvenir prize from the competition. Organizer IS NOT taking care of insurance for the competitors, everybody has to insure themselves.  The  emit cards are used in the competition, renting the card is 3 €.





Scale 1:30 000, size 13” x 19”, IOF standard




The Controls are marked by traditional orange-white orienteering flags. Controlling by emit-system, 1 card per team. You can rent emit card from organizer and you must announce need for the emit card in enrollment form.



Eating, dressing and washing


We have indoor ice rinks dressing and washing room in use. After the competition there will be soup available. There will be some water points in competition area.




In 6h classes the first three will be awarded, in other classes there is a lottery for awards.



More information on SaSu’s website or for

