Competition invitation
Orienteering Club Savon Suunta arranges 2nd Sawo-Rogaining competition on Saturday 28.5.2011 in Joroinen, Finland.
Hash house
Hotel Joronjälki, Joroinen
Teams consist of 2 to 5 members with visual connection throughout the competition.
Team classes
There are following classes in the competition:
There has to be at least one grown-up member in the team if there is under 15 year old member in the team (except in class 4YO).
Event timetable 28.5.
The entries will be done by sending email to at the latest on the 15th of May 2011. The entries will be confirmed and an invoice will be sent by email.Event fee
Event fee is 30 €/person until 15.3.2011 and after that 40 €/person. For the classes 4YO and 4FO event fee is 40 €/team.
Event fee includes:
The organizer IS NOT taking care of insurance for the competitors, all team members participate at their own risk.
The map is orienteering map in scale 1:20 000 2 x A3, IOF standard. The surrounding of controls points will be renewed to the maps at 2011.
Control points
The control points are marked with traditional orange white orienteering flags. Emit cards are used in competition and one team will need one emit card. You can rent an emit card from the organizer by 3 €. Please announce the need of emit card in your entry email.
Dressing, washing and meal
There is dressing and washing possibility in hash house, in the hotel.
After the competition there will be soup available in hash house.
There will be some water points in competition area. They are marked in the map.
1-3 best are awarded in 8 h classes. In other classes there is a lottery for prizes.
More information or