/ Terrain type description (see lower)
The second Sawo-Rogaining is going to be organized more in countryside type terrain that the first one. The competition center is located in hotel Joronjälki in the Joroinen village. The competition terrain is mainly in the surrounding country side of Joroinen. The competitor's orienteering skills will be tested in Kotkatharju ja Kolma kettle type orienteering terrains. On the other areas the terrain is mainly easier. In the area there are plenty of roads but most of the control points are located in the forest areas. When selecting control points we have been thinking about less skilled orienteerers too thus there will be challenges for everybody.
Challenging orienteering tasks will be pointed when defining the value of the each checkpoint. The be succesful in the competition you need good physical condition and fluent orienteering skills. There will be about 40 checkpoints and the optimum route through all the points will be about 80 km. The scale of the map is 1:20 000 and it will be printed to 2 A3 paper sheets with some common area in the middle of the terrain. The map is combination of orienteering maps and more general rogaining maps. Close to the checkpoints the necessary orienteering details have been updated.
Also in this competition there are several water areas. This time it is allowed to swim. In some places crossing a stream could shorten the distance significantly. The course planner team welcome everybody to enjoy outdoor activity and wonderful sceneries.